Grape Gatherer has reached a milestone
Things have been a bit wacky lately. During winter months my section hardly every gets rented out except on weekends, so I've been floating around to other sections and laundry and just plain floating. Lots of trashed/messy rooms on Sundays, it's getting so that I wonder if it's the front desk that hates me or if it's a conspiracy of the guests.
Today I attended a local ceremony for Pearl Harbor's fallen and her survivors. Other than being cold, both in feet and the metal chairs (I swear they put those out just about sun up and the ceremony was at 1pm). It had a fairly good showing, at least two of the tv stations were there. Rolling Thunder had a contingent of 6 who showed up to lay a wreathe in memory of those who had fallen. Not a bad showing since there had been a ceremony in Sanford (home of Rolling Thunder Maine Chpt2) and most people live down that way. also it being a Friday I'm sure most probably couldn't get off work.
What I'm reading: Where White Men Fear to Tread by Russell Means
What I'm listening to: Collide
What gorgeous stitching! A cute little teddy and Grape Gatherers is looking fantastic!
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