Friday, December 14, 2007

Grape Gatherer necks forward or is it upright?

Yes folks, I've actually done some more on Grape Gatherer. Not really that much on the second page, but at least now you definitely know that it is a human being. There's a bit of shadowing about her hair and neck, so that will take some time to muck through. Still working on the last of the bear blocks for OECS, just got the head to stitch before I begin the backstitching.
Not much going on as of late. Still trying to get used to the back spasms, but am chalking them up to the cold weather. At work some of us are trying to work on some catch-ups in the rooms. (Some of the cleaning that's hard to do with a constant influx of guests and the desk screaming for rooms)
Question time! There was a slight problem with some squares that were sent to OECS with floss bleeding. I know to soak the fabric in cold water and roll in a towel and dry flat, but what type of cleaning agent should I use? I've never had any of my DMC bleed, but some of the co-ordinators are asking if we could wash them before we send them, so that we know if it's something we used.
What I'm reading: Where White Men Fear to Tread by Russell Means
What I'm listening to: The Last Dance: Once Beautiful

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Blogger mainely stitching said...

Gosh, I've never had a problem with DMC bleeding ... I don't wash my squares, so I don't have any suggestions. Good luck.

I hope your back spasms will go away. They sound awful. Take care!

Grape Gatherer looks fantastic!

Friday, December 14, 2007 8:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you

Monday, July 04, 2011 9:09:00 PM  

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