Still Alive and Kicking
The Potluck last Saturday seemed to go well, especially since it was a quickly planned and thrown together event. Haven't gotten any news on the final count, but the chapter leaders seem pleased according to emails that were sent out.
Today DH and I went over to Norwich,Vermont, to the military acadamy. They had a ceremony honouring 18 veterans of Normandy. The oldest being 101 years old. Some of the delegates were high brass in the military, adjuncts to the heads of the differant services. All 18 were given medals in honour of thier service at Normanday by a French Ambassador assigned I believe to Massachussets. The medals they were given were the French version of our Congressional Medal of Honor. There was a message from Bob Hope's widow thanking everyone for the invite, wished she could've been there but due to her frail health was unable to attend. Messages from President Bush and the Prime Minister of France (not sure whose in charge of France so I apologize if I got the title wrong) thanking them for their service 62 years ago. The minister's letter read first in French then again in English. Some of these gentlemen started to break down a bit, but most lost it when some of the children and grandchildren of some of the French citazens that had lived through that time thanks to the efforts of these soilders came up with a bunch of flowers for each of them, hugs and a hearty thank-you.
I had a very hard time hearing the ceremony. I wish I could have heard more, not much about WWII was taught when I went to school. The most we learned about was what Hitler had done to the Jews, and that it was up to us to make sure that it didn't happen to anyone ever again. So most of what these guys did, I knew nothing about. There were even 4 POW survivors amoungst those 18. One of them even had his uniform on from his time in the army. That was a sight. They definately don't make uniforms like that anymore. That's up there with the Navy's uniforms from that time and some of the cadets were wearing them for the presenting of colours.
Though I was a bit disappointed with the Rolling Thunder turn out. Unless people weren't wearing thier colours (which you're supposed to when attending events) there was only 1 member from New Hampshire, 4 from Vermont, 1 Massachussets, 5 from Maine. I'll also count the member from Rolling Thunder National (orginal chapter) who had helped put this ceremony into being and one of the groups big wigs.
The ride was long about 3 to 3 1/2 hours one way, with a stop at the Vietnam memorial just inside the Vermont border. It's a very pretty memorial to Vermonts Vietnam vetrans and her fallen. But I believe it was worth it. The veterans from the last war aren't getting any younger and we're losing them fast. to honour these men who volunteered at 19 years old to help free a country and right some wrongs that were being done. That takes courage. If any of you have a relative that's still around from the great war thank them, by taking place in that war and the one before, they helped keep America's way of life alive and going strong. And give them a big hug and pass on my thanks for their sacrifice as well.
I'm too tired right now to try and backtrack the last two posts for questions, so i'll try and do this from memory.... Jenn, I do intend to stitch the Night Wizard, not sure where he is in the line up, but he is there. Lili, I do enjoy stitching Fairy Flora, I just wish I could sit in front of her more than I am. And as for Football, I'm not fond of either version (American or European) It was a case of seeing that it was requested over a year before and nothing done on it. Kim, I know your comment wasn't a question, but you're not missing much of Fairy Flora in the last update. I started at the center and worked my way down. So I got a possible waist and pink poofy stuff with flowers. I think that covers just about everyone.
I've been stitching and have finished two small projects, and about half done my 7th square for the arsenal quilt. That will leave one more plus the logo square which I've been working at on and off for the past two months with not much progress. Too much monotany. I need to get more batteries for the camera, so you'll have to wait for the pics till then.
In two weeks is DH's Uncle's funeral and then just about a week or so later I get another long car trip down to Washington DC for the Rolling Thunder Rally. half the time I'm not sure if I'm coming or going or been and gone.