Here's the latest on Fairy Flora by Mirabilia. That stem on the furthest right is technically the bottom border. If you've ever taken a good look at the final picture of this piece, you'll noticed that some of the flowers and her dress overflow the border.
Haven't done much stitching in the past week. Just the little bit of progress on FF. Been trying to work on the 8 Deck the Hall pieces...leave it to me to let it wait to the last moment, and with 4 1/2 done I'm using just about every excuss not to finish them off and time is short. (yes that also is an excuse I'm using on myself.)
I've not been sleeping well and added on to that I'm working a 10 day stretch to be able to take the time off to go to Washington DC for Memorial Weekend. This does not help things. Though last night I slept a bit better than I have the last 4 so there is hope.
Thank-you all for your well wishes for Rachal.
Ooops! Gotta go, a friend of mine is taking me out tonight. Don't know where we're going though and I still need to get a few things together. Sorry that the last few posts have been so depressing.
Love ya!