Sunday, November 25, 2007

Finishes for Thanksgiving off

This litttle cutie is from Charles Craft, the light blue krienik is not really visiable, but then again, I know where to look. In his hand is a glittery snowflake.
Here is Magnolia by Gloria and Pat Inc. Sixth in the set that I promised for an OECS quilt.
Got about a quarter or more done on the 7th square.

This framed piece actually came back into my possion a few weeks ago and only got around to photographing it this evening. Good thing too.... it's going to it's new owners in another week or two. All three of these were designed by Vermillion Stitchery from her Fantasy Bear series.

And finally, replacing Fairy Flora on my floorstand is Grape Gatherer by Solaria Gallery. This is a very old WIP, coming back to this last update (from webshots) it looks like I'll be posting another one there within the week or so, there's been a bit done since this was taken. A little slower going, one since it's a darker material than I'm used to and that it has more colours than FF did. (Not to mention trying to bypass and "cover up" mistakes made since I believe I started this sooner than I should have especially on a first attempt on a dark material.)

Survived Thanksgiving one more year. I'll bypass the work issue it's not been fun with certian people as of late, I'm still fuming over today's incident...'nuff said.

Thanks for the comments on the Fairy Flora finish. After her the top two finishes in this post seemed quite dull in comparison. Barbara, the reason my knees and back killed more than usual in the beading is due to how I had to hold the framework. While sitting on some tupperware containers, I had my feet on the rungs to my bar stool with the frame balanced on my legs.
What I'm reading: Where White Men Fear to Tread by Russell Means
What I'm listening to: Sick Puppies

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Fairy Flora is now Complete!

Finally Fairy Flora from Mirabilia is complete. Later this week I'll send her out to be framed by a friend's mother. I think I've killed my back and especially my knees finishing her off, but it was well worth the effort. That and I have two more days to recover from the beading binge.
Here's an early Happy Thanksgiving since I know I won't be posting again for at least a week. Hope you all have a wonderful and safe turkey day.
What I'm reading: Neither Wolf nor Dog by Kent Nerburn
What I'm listening to: The Birthday Massacre

Monday, November 12, 2007

Major Fairy Flora Update

Here is Gloria & Pat Inc's July Vacation, she will be joining Pansy, May Flowers, Jasmine and Snowy January in a quilt for OECS. I'm currently working on another bear from this designer.

And here, at long last Fairy Flora with only the beading left to do! I've actually started the beading on Saturday night, am working from bottom upwards and have the beading done in the purple edging of her dress and have just this evening started beading in the pink edging. When I've gotten a bit more beading done I'll post another picture, but in case I forget you can always check my webshots page, I tend to update the pictures for that more than this blog. The link is over on the right had side of the blog.

I hadn't realized how long it had been since I posted till I got an email telling me that Mary had commented, and realized by the title that I'd done a bit since then. Thanks Mary for the head shot!

Seriously though, this colder season has really hit me hard. I've never been known to deal well with winter, but since the bad burn the other year I've had more trouble with cold and with extreme heat. The last few weeks I've been fighting with my sinuses, arguing with the chest cold that keeps trying to weedle it's way in for the season, going round for round with my pillows at night trying to get comfortable only to mostly wake in the morning with a tension headache for my trouble. Which brings up the most important of all, when I don't feel well I don't eat much, which we all know doesn't help one to heal. I really have to force myself to eat or the stomach has to speak up with defiance.

Other than that I've not really been doing much beyond stitching though what else is new. Did attend the Veteran's Day ceremony yesterday in Sanford, didn't get much of a crowd. But all went well anyways. I still say it was due to the ceremony being on a Sunday, but who am I to know much about anyone's belief systems? Am thinking about attending a Pearl Harbor Ceremony here in Portland in a few weeks, will have to speak with my boss to see if she can give me the day off, which will shock her since it's not a weekend day as it usually is. (for me to ask for days off to do Rolling Thunder activites)

Barbara thanks for the advice for the bookmarks, I've got plenty of scrap material, and if I run out of a colour I think may look good, I can always go to JoAnn's after work and pick up a fat quater pre-cut. which will eventually help with the occasional quilt I make.

Mary thanks for the comment!


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